These are very exciting times in the spirits industry.??There is so much happening at the local craft level with new product development, creative flavor profiles and single barrel promotions all while peddling and promoting as fast as they can to achieve profitably growth.????
It’s not easy to find the perfect blend and balance between product quality, distinct positioning and market pull through.??While we make the barrels, we know what really matters to our customers beyond the cost, availability and reliability of every barrel are the flavor profiles, attractive amber colors and mouthfeel variations that come from barrel aging.
So beyond our primary focus on barrels, we have invested in creating a unique line of oak adjuncts in various shapes, configurations, roasts, toasts, sears and chars to enable producers to:
Accelerate and enhance barrel (and tank) aging in terms of time in barrel, better control of flavor, color and other sensory modifications that include mouthfeel, more distinct layers and finishes.??
We call them??Stavers???????because like our barrels we start with the highest quality new american white oak staves from our own stave mill and forests.??To this we will be adding options for french oak from several of the most prized forests in France.??
What is perhaps most exciting about this new line, is that in addition to helping reduce aging costs and improving core products, it is a cost-effective a way to produce premium editions, single barrel promotions and limited or seasonally flavored releases that command higher margins.
There is considerable wood chemistry, organic combustion and elemental analysis as well as surface structure, and absorption and transfer rates to be considered.??In other words, there is a great deal of science and experimentation behind this initiative.
First and foremost, we seek to provide our New American Oak Barrel customers options and the knowledgeable guidance to leverage Stavers??? to positively impact their barrel aging programs.??But with a growing number of bulk producers–distilleries, breweries and wineries–with tank aging programs, our Stavers??? in Fan, Fan pack and Cube Bags will be essential ingredients in success.??
The Black Water Barrels mission is to provide high quality, premium new american white oak barrels to the spirits, beer and wine industry.??
We’re excited about the benefits and possibilities of our Stavers??? program, as well as introducing french oak versions and french oak barrels of special appeal to our wine making customers.